A Thriving Christian Ecosystem at USC

The Christian Life Team at USC seeks to be co-stewards of a thriving Christian ecosystem. Our deepest hope is for Good News to reach every corner of campus and every aspect of a student’s life.

We support the Body of Christ in these efforts by:

Sharing Campus Resources

Our ministry stewards Kilgore Chapel, a Christian specific worship space located in the University Religious Center. Kilgore is a spiritual hub for the Christian community, so stop by the chapel for your morning quiet time or reserve this space for your Christian club.

Building Bridges

The Christian Life Team is a partnership between InterVarsity and the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life at USC. We believe building bridges of communication and cooperation amongst the body of Christ invites us to grow in faith and serve our campus. Follow us for events.

Amplifying voices

Interested in the intersection of faith and current events? Our ministry creates platforms like the Coastlander, a Christian-thought journal at USC, to promote honest faith dialogue within our campus and beyond! Click below to read the first edition of our journal or join the Coastlander team.

The Christian Life Team


Joe Thackwell
Co-Founder of the Christian Life Team
Bekah Estrada
Co-Founder and the Director of Christian Life 
Joshua Gibson-Altrock
Associate Director of Christian Life
Joseph Cho
Communication Manager

Students Say

“I felt like I had a mini family to go to [with the Christian Life Team]. We could talk about personal hardships or even celebrations during our meetings. This is a special community on our campus. Now I have lifelong friends!”
The Veritas Forum
“The Christian Life Team supported me in both my spiritual and professional journeys. Being part of a Christ-focused mission while in school really helped me stay grounded in my faith.”
“The Christian Life Team cultivated my passion for seeing the community of Christ at USC grow and become more unified. I never would have thought I could integrate my studies and faith, yet being part of this team revolutionized this for me.”
“As a graduate student at USC, it is easy to get caught in the chaos of day to day university life. Being a part of the Christian Life Team has kept me grounded in my faith and has constantly reminded me of my purpose during the hardest seasons of being a student. Without the Christian Life Team, my USC experience would not have been nearly as vibrant and transformative.”
Kilgore Chapel Coordinator